A Manual Slack Adjuster - MSA (also called a Manual Brake Adjuster) is a mechanical component in the air brake linkage. This component is used to remove the slack created by wear on the friction element of the brake shoes that normally occurs during operation of the vehicle. This is done manually with the aid of a wrench while the vehicle is being serviced.
There are two varieties in this segment of Slack Adjuster:
Straight-arm slack adjusters are manual slack adjusters that feature a straight arm.
Offset arm slack adjusters are manual slack adjusters that feature an offset arm.
An Automatic Slack Adjuster – ASA (also called an Automatic Brake Adjuster) is a mechanical component in the air brake system. This component adjusts th e brakes automatically, as needed, while the vehicle is in operation. These adjustments are necessary to compensate for the wear in the brake shoes that is caused by the normal operation of the braking system.
Caution: Manually adjusting an Automatic Slack Adjuster can contribute to the unexpected failure of the braking system.
Advice: All brake systems, whether manual or automatic slack adjusters, should receive regular maintenance checkups.